Our Mission Statement


Even though there already seems to be quite a few Feminist flavored blogs out there, we don’t feel that means it is ENOUGH or too much. Just the fact that there is still a prevailing archaic, fear mongering view that feminists are all the same and are all men-hating-bra-burning-harpies demonstrates this. (Don’t we have a name for this mythical beast? Oh yeah, “Straw Feminists.”

We write with the idea that discussion is important, and that adding to the dialogue is something we want and need to do. We want to contribute in showing how feminism can be full of outrage (and rightfully so), but also totally reasonable. I mean, is equality for everyone too ridiculous of a concept?

Apart from participating in the Good Fight, this blog is very personal to us. We want it not to be just rhetoric but to be full of our lives and the lives of those around us. We want to broaden the minds of others as we ourselves grow. We want to be critical, but forgiving, to make people question their assumptions, to be bold in exploring new ideas, and to practice more empathy.

Our ambitious goal is to update 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Our subjects cover a broad range as do our interests. Click around our archives to view our posts!

Also, check out our Femminique Tumblr for more pictures, comics, news and shorter posts.

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